Life Hack

Don't judge, be less materialistic, read and plant a tree.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Us, women

 For how long can one fight on trivial issues? For how long can we fight with our loved ones for things like, going for a play at 7 ; Going for a guest lecture which ends post-sunset? Not for long. I can't. I can't stand silent treatments, so I am usually torn between following my heart and thinking about the restrictions. I have tried to reason with my family, extended family, cousins, second cousins and the only argument they come up with, is our security and by our I mean mine and other girls' who feel the same way, as if the whole world is after our life, the robbers are out of work for banks are all corrupt and the rapists are forever roaming around in Delhi. I mean, No. This world doesn't stop after sunset and so we shouldn't have to, either. 

On the face of it, people are so liberal, they don't restrict anymore, there is no restriction on what we eat, what we drink, what we wear, where we go, but actually, there is a glitch. There is no restriction on what we eat, what we drink, what we wear, where we go - Before sunset. Post sun set, there isn't much option. One could either, argue and continue with the schedule or one could suffocate oneself, let go off an opportunity to learn something and be the ‘lady’. I'd choose the former over the latter any day. Any day. But it's tiring, I have the ovaries to fight with the robbers and the rapists and the kidnappers, that's not tiring at all, what's tiring is the arguing-with-people-part. It takes a lot of our time and energy and again, our brothers don't have to drain themselves of all the energy because, well, let's not state the obvious here and waste more energy, and so when we’re arguing, we’re not always just gathering good reasons, we’re also controlling our jealous nerves and that makes the whole process slower and more difficult. 

We want to feel okay if our guy friend asks us to hop in his bike and go somewhere, honestly, how free are we if we have to do calculations before getting on a vehicle.
Most of the time, we don't give a fuck but sometimes, we can almost feel the stares seep through our body. It's humiliating, so one decides to not feel that way once in a while and be A-okay with doing what other people expect him/her to do- Not to get on a bike with the friend of an opposite gender, i.e . This problem is obviously not limited to any one gender.

I'm not sure if it's the culture that we are so deeply rooted in? Or is it just the fear of what the other 'cultured' person will say? I don't know. All I know, is that we want to use our energy in our work and not in justifying what we did. We want to be safe on the streets post-sunset (being alert all the time, thinking about all the previous groping incidents that have happened, is annoying, nobody wants to have the same alert expression throughout the day.) We don't want to think ten crore times before getting in a friend's car or bike, we want to be able to work to our potential and not be restricted by the society. And I think this could all be achieved if people just may be may be, stop judging others? We could probably build a lot better society.                                                                                                                                                                                                     


  1. Its like you have a knack of writing blogs ,the blogs keep you griped till the last word and also do have a deeper meaning ,the poetic touch you add in the blogs is really nice ,get back to blogging soon
